Friday 11 May 2012

Mom - You are the BEST!

When we were kids the first word we learnt was ‘Ma’. In English we say ‘Mother’, in Hindi ‘Maa’, in Marathi ‘Aayi’, in Punjabi ‘Mai’, in Urdu ‘Amee’, in Spanish ‘Madre’, in French ‘Maman’ and the list goes on all conveying the same tone of love and affection expressed through that one word - Mother. She raised us, fed us, and took care of us in both pain and happiness. The creation and beginning of our life was within mom and that umbilical chord is never truly broken, as the bond between a mother and child is life-long.

When we won awards in school, our mother’s happiness was explicitly evident on her face. Your mother is able to read from your expressions and a single glance at our face to understand our state of mind. Sometime words were not needed to describe our circumstances, whether it’s happy or sad, she is there with us.

When we took our first step, we were afraid to fall down but mom was there to take care of us. When we needed the support she was always there to help us. From learning how to speak to learning how to walk, she has been there to guide us at every step. The power of the single word ‘Mom’ makes us feel secure in hardest moments of our life and on ushering the word it brings an element of comfort and warmth inside.

A smile on our mother’s face is the greatest motivation. A mother’s hand on our shoulder is the big support. A mother’s hug is our treasured moment. A mother’s kiss is a lovely feeling. Even a reprimand from our mother is not taken to heart.
If I have to describe mom , the list is endless but in a nutshell, a mother is one who gives unconditional love, unlimited care, a lifetime of support, is the perfect advisor, an all rounder, a firm tutor, and available around the clock.

She made special, delicious food for you all night and day, treat her thank her with Brunch on Mother’s Day. Come join us on Sunday 13th May 2012 at Seasonal Tastes and spend quality time over a leisurely and lavish brunch with your mum.

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