Tuesday 12 June 2012

Serenity personified

Enter into the world of calmness; listen to the rhythm of your heartbeat; breathe the aroma of white tea scent, this is just a canvas of the environment in which our Spa & Recreation Manager, Archana Ghemeri works. Ms. Ghemeri is a certified clinical aroma therapist and cosmetologist. She is also an internationally trained therapist. Archana is in this profession for over 15 years. In her kitty, she has worked with prestigious organizations including Taj Hotels and Resorts. Archana’s specialty lie in spa therapies, in setting up an international spa and spa standards in countries like Maldives, Sri Lanka and Dubai. Her focus is not only on spa and spa services but also on spa products and creative menus. She personally designs spa products, spa packages and tries to bring new flavors onto the table. Archana specializes in designing spa itineraries to suit customer’s requirements.

She is a firm believer that every individual is different and every treatment given to those individuals must be unique. Every 3 months, Archana modifies the spa menu according to the season for our Heavenly Spa by Westin. She says that every season has its pros and cons and we at The Heavenly Spa make sure that our clients are treated and renewed with the season. The therapists working alongside Archana are trained to international standards and she personally takes care of their learning. When asked about spa trends in India, she said “It is growing and people are moving ahead with more awareness. The only thing I have observed is that there is lack of knowledge in terms of understanding a spa therapy and its value.” While talking to her, it is clearly evident that a Spa experience is much more than just a massage.

Take a sneak peek into the one on one ‘rapid fire round’ with our Spa and Recreation Manager, Archana Ghemeri offering an insight into her experience and path to success:

Describe a massage?
It is a healing therapy which enhances your mind body and soul for better living.

In the eyes of a Spa Therapist…..
We don’t do massages, we do healing! It is a transfer of energy from one soul to another i.e. a therapist to a client and from a client to a therapist.

The most innovative Spa concept you visited in the world?
A Spa in Maldives, it is below sea level with a view of sea creatures whilst having a treatment.

Best Spa destination
Bali, Indonesia

What you do in your free time?
Try to channelize my energy and focus more on the value of each and every individual’s well being.

The one thing you want to change in yourself?
Try and concentrate to stay positive for a better living.

A tip for being happy and feeling renewed…
Think positive and good things will happen for you. 

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